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The toast component is used to give feedback to users after an action has taken place.



  • Support for screen readers.
  • Limit the number of visible toasts.
  • Manage promises within toast.
  • Pause on hover, focus or page idle.
  • Can remove or update toast programmatically.


To use the toast machine in your project, run the following command in your command line:

npm install @zag-js/toast @zag-js/react # or yarn add @zag-js/toast @zag-js/react

This command will install the framework agnostic toast logic and the reactive utilities for your framework of choice.


To set up the toast correctly, you'll need to understand its anatomy and how we name its parts.

Each part includes a data-part attribute to help identify them in the DOM.


First, import the toast package into your project

import * as toast from "@zag-js/toast"

Next, import the required hooks and functions for your framework and use the toast machine in your project 🔥

import { useMachine, normalizeProps } from "@zag-js/react" import * as toast from "@zag-js/toast" import { useId } from "react" // 1. Create the toast store const toaster = toast.createStore({ overlap: true, placement: "top-end", }) // 2. Design the toast component function Toast(props) { const machineProps = { ...props.toast, parent: props.parent, index: props.index, } const service = useMachine(toast.machine, machineProps) const api = toast.connect(service, normalizeProps) return ( <div {...api.getRootProps()}> <h3 {...api.getTitleProps()}>{api.title}</h3> <p {...api.getDescriptionProps()}>{api.description}</p> <button onClick={api.dismiss}>Close</button> </div> ) } // 3. Design the toaster export function Toaster() { const service = useMachine(, { id: useId(), store: toaster, }) const api =, normalizeProps) return ( <div {...api.getGroupProps()}> {api.getToasts().map((toast, index) => ( <Toast key={} toast={toast} parent={service} index={index} /> ))} </div> ) } // 4. Render the toaster in your app export function App() { return ( <> <Toaster /> <ExampleComponent /> </> ) } // 5. Within your app function Demo() { return ( <div> <button onClick={() => { toaster.create({ title: "Hello" }) }} > Info toast </button> <button onClick={() => { toaster.create({ title: "Data submitted!", type: "success" }) }} > Success toast </button> </div> ) }

The use the toast effectively, you need to understand these key aspects:

Toast Group

  • — The state machine representation of a group of toasts. It is responsible for spawning, updating and removing toasts.

  • — function gives you access to methods you can use to add, update, and remove a toast.

    We recommend setting up the toast group machine once at the root of your project.

Toast Item

  • toast.machine — The state machine representation of a single toast.
  • toast.connect — The function that takes the toast machine and returns methods and JSX properties.

Creating a toast

There are five toast types that can be created with the toast machine. info, success, loading, custom and error.

To create a toast, use the toaster.create(...) method.

toaster.create({ title: "Hello World", description: "This is a toast", type: "info", })

The options you can pass in are:

  • title — The title of the toast.
  • description — The description of the toast.
  • type — The type of the toast. Can be either error, success , info, loading, or custom.
  • duration — The duration of the toast. The default duration is computed based on the specified type.
  • onStatusChange — A callback that listens for the status changes across the toast lifecycle.
  • removeDelay — The delay before unmounting the toast from the DOM. Useful for transition.

Changing the placement

Use the placement property when you call the toaster.create(...) to change the position of the toast.{ title: "Hello World", description: "This is a toast", placement: "top-start", })

Overlapping toasts

When multiple toasts are created, they are rendered in a stack. To make the toasts overlap, set the overlap property to true.

const toaster = toast.createStore({ overlap: true, })

When using overlap, the toast's placement must match the placement of the toast group (which is bottom by default).

Be sure to set up the required styles to make the toasts overlap correctly.

Changing the duration

Every toast has a default visible duration depending on the type set. Here's the following toast types and matching default durations:


You can override the duration of the toast by passing the duration property to the toaster.create(...) function.

toaster.create({ title: "Hello World", description: "This is a toast", type: "info", duration: 6000, })

You can also use the toaster.upsert(...) function which creates or updates a toast.

Using portals

Using a portal is helpful to ensure that the toast is rendered outside the DOM hierarchy of the parent component. To render the toast in a portal, wrap the rendered toasts in the ToastProvider within your framework-specific portal.

import { useMachine, normalizeProps, Portal } from "@zag-js/react" import * as toast from "@zag-js/toast" // ... // 3. Create the toast group provider, wrap your app with it export function Toaster() { const service = useMachine(, { id: "1", store: toaster }) const api =, normalizeProps) return ( <Portal> {api.getToasts().map((toast, index) => ( <Toast key={} actor={toast} parent={service} index={index} /> ))} </Portal> ) }

Programmatic control

To update a toast programmatically, you need access to the unique identifier of the toast.

This identifier can be either:

  • the id passed into toaster.create(...) or,
  • the returned random id when the toaster.create(...) is called.

You can use any of the following methods to control a toast:

  • toaster.upsert(...) — Creates or updates a toast.
  • toaster.update(...) — Updates a toast.
  • toaster.remove(...) — Removes a toast instantly without delay.
  • toaster.dismiss(...) — Removes a toast with delay.
  • toaster.pause(...) — Pauses a toast.
  • toaster.resume(...) — Resumes a toast.
// grab the id from the created toast const id = toaster.create({ title: "Hello World", description: "This is a toast", type: "info", duration: 6000, placement: "top-start", }) // update the toast toaster.update(id, { title: "Hello World", description: "This is a toast", type: "success", }) // remove the toast toaster.remove(id) // dismiss the toast toaster.dismiss(id)

Handling promises

The toast group API exposes a toaster.promise() function to allow you update the toast when it resolves or rejects.

With the promise API, you can pass the toast options for each promise lifecycle.

toaster.promise(promise, { loading: { title: "Loading", description: "Please wait...", }, success: (data) => ({ title: "Success", description: "Your request has been completed", }), error: (err) => ({ title: "Error", description: "An error has occurred", }), })

Pausing the toasts

There are three scenarios we provide to pause a toast from timing out:

  • When the document loses focus or the page is idle (e.g. switching to a new browser tab), controlled via the pauseOnPageIdle context property.
  • When the toaster.pause(id) is called.
// Global pause options const service = useMachine(, { pauseOnPageIdle: true, }) // Programmatically pause a toast (by `id`) // `id` is the return value of `api.create(...)` toaster.pause(id)

Limiting the number of toasts

Toasts are great but displaying too many of them can sometimes hamper the user experience. To limit the number of visible toasts, pass the max property to the group machine's context.

const toaster = toast.createStore({ max: 10, })

Focus Hotkey for toasts

When a toast is created, you can focus the toast region by pressing the alt + T. This is useful for screen readers and keyboard navigation.

Set the hotkey context property to change the underlying hotkey.

const service = useMachine(, { hotkey: ["F6"], })

Listening for toast lifecycle

When a toast is created, you can listen for the status changes across its lifecycle using the onStatusChange callback when you call toaster.create(...).

The status values are:

  • visible - The toast is mounted and rendered
  • dismissed - The toast is visually invisible but still mounted
  • unmounted - The toast has been completely unmounted and no longer exists{ title: "Hello World", description: "This is a toast", type: "info", onStatusChange: (details) => { // details => { status: "visible" | "dismissed" | "unmounted" } console.log("Toast status:", details) }, })

Changing the gap between toasts

When multiple toasts are rendered, a gap of 16px is applied between each toast. To change this value, set the gap context property.

const service = useMachine(, { gap: 24, })

Changing the offset

The toast region has a default 16px offset from the viewport. Use the offset context property to change the offset.

const service = useMachine(, { offsets: "24px", })

Styling guide


The toast machine injects a bunch of css variables that are required for it to work. You need to connect these variables in your styles.

[data-part="root"] { translate: var(--x) var(--y); scale: var(--scale); z-index: var(--z-index); height: var(--height); opacity: var(--opacity); will-change: translate, opacity, scale; }

To make it transition smoothly, you should includes transition properties.

[data-part="root"] { transition: translate 400ms, scale 400ms, opacity 400ms; transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.21, 1.02, 0.73, 1); } [data-part="root"][data-state="closed"] { transition: translate 400ms, scale 400ms, opacity 200ms; transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.06, 0.71, 0.55, 1); }

Toast styling

When a toast is created and the api.getRootProps() from the toast.connect is used, the toast will have a data-type that matches the specified type at its creation.

You can use this property to style the toast.

[data-part="root"][data-type="info"] { /* Styles for the specific toast type */ } [data-part="root"][data-type="error"] { /* Styles for the error toast type */ } [data-part="root"][data-type="success"] { /* Styles for the success toast type */ } [data-part="root"][data-type="loading"] { /* Styles for the loading toast type */ }

Methods and Properties

Machine API

The toast's api exposes the following methods:

  • getCount() => numberThe total number of toasts
  • getToasts() => ToastProps<any>[]The toasts
  • subscribe(callback: (toasts: Options<O>[]) => void) => VoidFunctionSubscribe to the toast group

Data Attributes

"open" | "closed"
The type of the item
The placement of the toast
Present when mounted
Present when paused
Present when overlapping

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